The Spring Shall be Filled by Chaos and Thunder

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Prison Joaquin:Valeria Rescue...wait what?

After realizing I had nothing to do this week, I had decided to try finishing Valeria's recruitment quest. The rest of the CSR members suggested that I should bring a tanker or a magic massive damager (example Reckless and Elem), but I wanted to try something else. Therefore, the three best pioneers in the family, Vexen , Miyuki and AhimDeFamille were sent out to Prison de Joaquin, Torture Chamber to investigate the secret basement that was discovered by the Republicans. Inside, they cleared the tough armored monsters guarding the basement with ease. The Bio Men, Veilants and Death Marcia were no match against the tag team of Vexen's fast shooting and Miyuki's armor-penetrating attack. Unfortunately, I got disconnected on my way to the 2nd room, where the team met the Kingdom Ogre.

During the second try, they had managed to clear the monsters faster (in 7 minutes), and once again broke into the 2nd room for a rematch against  the Kingdom Ogre, which was a nuisance since he kept targeting the fragile AhimDeFamille. We managed to kill him after a couple of minutes, with a finishing blow of Bolt Sequence. After that we figured out how to free Princess Gabriella's look alike, but actually things became worse. The switch we clicked had summoned the true guardian of the basement, Testormento. The team had a lot of trouble fighting the monster due to its colossal size and wide range hammer attack. After surviving a whole assault of Testos Whipper and Testos Shocker, they finally managed to kill the dumb giant.
FYI, AhimDeFamille was a bought Character Card. LOL

After successfully rescuing Valeria, the family returned to Reboldoeux. And, after a long story by Lyndon regarding the history of Vespanola's royal family, I had finally received Valeria's character card. And since I already have my princess AhimDeFamille, I sold the card, giving 70m of profit to the family

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