The Spring Shall be Filled by Chaos and Thunder

Monday, 23 April 2012

New Member of the Family: Ludin Von Hanen

After months of waiting (and disconnections and failures in reaching the 10th Floor of the Clock Tower) , I had finally got myself a slot in another Clock Tower squad, organised by the CT raid lover Une himself. Unfortunately, both squads were full, but there was only one more slot left for a tanker of the raid. Leaving me with no choice, I had decided to dispatch MystgunNero to Byron instead of Miyuki this time. I had to apply all the available buffs for MystgunNero since he was tanking a 70++AR monsters with a +6 3DR 10 Def Elite92 Metal Armor.

How  I think Une sees me while I'm tanking =.=

Unfortunately there are trouble with the internet connection, and I had suffered a serious case of lag during the the raid. Tragically, on the 8th Floor, I had disconnected from the server while I was tanking the Gale Steamer. When I got back online, I was relieved to hear that Une had replaced MystgunNero by tanking the Gale Steamer with his Lionel. And luckily, Une had decided to re-do the raid, but this time he had decided to jump immediately to the 10th Floor. Hating to let myself go dc-ed again, I had asked for the ChaosShunraiki leader, Sir Lycis himself to play his account for me. And as before, Lycis had brought MystgunNero to the raid and thankfully. he reached the 10th floor with success. Thank you so much Lycis bro for helping me finishing this quest. :3

Finally, I could proceed with Ludin's recruitment quest. Immediately, I sent off CaptainMarvelous (Lionel) to meet the bratty little Ludin in Bahia. When he arrived, he saw Ludin being harrassed by the scumbag Thief Taikbin. Unarmed and alone, CaptainMarvelous had decided to confront him one on one. He was lucky that Taikbin decided to flee instead of fighting him, if not CaptainMarvelous would be all black and blue. =.=. After that, CaptainMarvelous went to confront with Ludin and scolded her for her foolishness.After getting herself scolded by her meanie old brother, Ludin then made a cute puppy face in front of me, which kinda melts my heart a little. :3

And so I decided to forgive her, and CaptainMarvelous had invited her for a vacation with our family. She accepted the offer and joined the family as the new Little Pioneer. Upon joining the family, she was given the name Hades, the name of the Greek God of Death, which kinda reflects a lot of her fire magic (and the bratty attitude of a devil) :P.

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