The Spring Shall be Filled by Chaos and Thunder

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Byron Questline-The Butler Raven (15 Oct 2011)

After the Otite was stolen, we went to meet Lorch hoping that he will give us a few clues about hie brother's whereabouts. Lorch revealed to us a few letters written by his father, Ortega Furholden. Ortega said that before he got himself controlled by Montoro and attacked us at the Holy Water Chamber, he was meeting the Viscount at Byron. After reading out the letter, Lorch gave us a Letter of Recommendation. Then we realize something: The worst has only begun. O.O
AlexMercer, MystgunNero and GrayFullbuster were once again sent by the Family to investigate the island of Byron. The city was beautiful but sadly it was deserted since only Families with Level 20+ can go to Byron. Upon our arrival, we went to meet Lionel, and requested him to give us access to the Red Sunset Forest. At first he disagreed but after showing him the Letter of Recommendation given to us by Lorch earlier, he finally agreed to let us into the forest..
We went to ask Captain Pharrel about the 'Butler' of Montoro, who goes by the name of Raven. Captain Pharrel refuse to let us meet him, saying that he will do it for a few 'charges'. The Family paid him 5 Growth Stones so that we could meet this Raven.
We went into Red Sunset Forest to look for Raven. Inside we were ambushed by a mysterious Red-Haired Fighter and a few Fordoi demons. The fight barely worn us out but before we could finish it, Raven arrived and chased the Red-Haired Fighter away. Once the battle was over, we went to listen to Raven's story. He told us that he was a Brestian officer who got cursed by Montoro to do the Viscount's dirty work.

In order to prove that Raven was really a Brestian officer, we brought Aiman (Gavin Jameson) to meet Raven. He admitted that Raven is a Brestian officer and Raven requested that we help him remove his curse. Later, we went to see the alchemist name Beronif and asked her about the curse on Raven. Beronif said she'll help, only if we help her with certain favours first.
The first favour from Beronif was extract a Garas' Heart from a Reaper Garas, which we did well by successfully extracting the heart from an Elite Reaper Garas.
The second one was very tough, collecting 50 Vordoi Horns. The quest was quite a nuisance so we decide to finish it later on.

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