This game provides examples of:
- Absolute Cleavage: Reckless Emilia, Princess Gabriella, and Eva Sharon.
- Acrofatic: Barrel
- Adorably Precocious Child: Kano. Viki, to an extent.
- Anime Chinese Girl: Soso/Feng Ling, and her little sister Sorang.
- Agent Peacock: Montoro, of course.
- Allegedly Free Game: You will need to pay if you want to go beyond just standard gameplay. However, this trope can be averted since it's possible to do the same thing without having to pay, but it takes a painfully longer time to do so.
- It's starting to largely avert this trope, at least for casual players. The more standard and essential stuff like Character Promotion are getting the free-to-play treatment: Stimulation (the more expensive half in upgrading a character) is slated to be removed, and stat upgrades are now reintegrated to Promotion. Much rejoicing was heard.
- Alternate History: The setting of this game is what would have happened if the Spanish overcame the English Armada and successfully invaded England during the Anglo-Spanish War.
- Anachronism Stew: Colonial America... WITH DINOSAURS!
- An Adventurer Is You: Actually, a character's role is determined by the stance he is in. The five basic characters are covered here, while a full list (including all RNPCs) are in this trope's page.
- Fighter: Tank/DPS
- Scout: Healer/Buffer
- Wizard: Mezzer/Nuker
- Elementalist: Nuker
- Musketeer: DPS
- An Ice Person: Karjalainen and Ion Felipe. Warlock and Hellena to an extent.
- Anti-Poopsocking: The entire point of the spacebar "AFK" mechanism. A simple press of a button will allow your team to auto-attack nearby enemies and healers heal wounded allies. You can't loot while you're AFK, though.
- Also as part of the raiding system. Smaller, quick raids usually have a 1 day cooldown, while big, faction-sized raids have a one week cooldown.
- Anti-Magic: The Rapiere stance users. Especially Andre.
- Arbitrary Headcount Limit: You can only bring a maximum three characters at a time. Some raids, like Chateau de Bourgogne, are restricted to one character only. Also, raids have a maximum number of families that can join.
- Aristocrats Are Evil: The Ten Nobles of Vespanola. Subverted by Fritz, Torsche, and Ulrik, who were formerly Ten Nobles.
- Artistic License - Gun Safety: Lionel Von Hanen. Apparently, using a rifle with only one hand is a mark of a master in military science in this universe.
- Awesome, but Impractical: The ultimates for the nukers. Abyss Flare, Freezing, and Tempest Roar for Warlock/Hellena, Ion, and Veatrice respectively, does look awesome and powerful, however you can't cast them while being surrounded, cause your cast will get interrupted 100% of the time.
- Averted with Beroniff's and Ludin's ultimates Strong Acid and Breath of Fire, respectively. They'reAwesome, Yet Practical for crowd clearing.
- Badass Grandpa: Fritz. Martial Artist master, looks like he's in his 80s but still kicks delinquent asses everyday. Another would be Grandice, Badass Grandma extraordinaire, who EATS DINOSAURS FOR BREAKFAST!
- Justified for both. Fritz is one of the Ten Nobles of Vespanola, while Grandice is the Queen of Pioneers.You also get to live the legend while doing Grandies's quest.
- Badass Long Coat: Considering the setting, you will have a lot of characters wearing these. Notably Kurt Lyndon.
- Battle Butler: Raven to Montoro. He apparently likes the job but hates the one he's working for.
- Battle Couple: Nar and Ania, Selva and Eduardo/Garcia, post-Eduardo amnesia.
- BFG: The Shotguns, especially the Ogre Shotgun. This weapon is wielded as a pistol by the Ogre Tribe.
- BFS: The Great Swords, with Regulus' Passion taking the cake.
- Big Bad: Viscount Montoro, one of the Ten Nobles of Vespanola.
- The Starscream: He first starts a low ranking member of the Ten Nobles, then "works his way up" by screwing up and/or killing the rest.
- Big Brother Instinct: Garcia to Eduardo. Long story short, Garcia would go lengths to find his brother and seek revenge on the Big Bad for what he has done especially to Eduardo.
- Lionel hilariously lacks this. He doesn't even know who Ludin is until you introduce her to him. He did make it up to her in the end, though.
- Big Sister Mentor: Veatrice to Bomi.
- Bilingual Bonus: For those who are wondering, Babelfish claims that "Granado Espada" means "distinguished sword."
- Which is probably exactly what the creators did to get that title. The grammar is wrong, and the meaning is archaic: although "granado" does mean distinguished and selected, no native speaker would translate that as something else than "loose" and "selected" in "loose selected grain."
- Actually, "granado" could be translated as "seedy". This Spanish troper has never heard of the meaning cited above.
- That, or the developers decided upon names in the same respect as Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci, whose names were etched in history as "Columbia" and "America." Granado Espada is this world's version of America anyway.
- Black and Gray Morality: Kurt and Edward, respectively.
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Played straight with Kurt Lyndon.
- Boomerang Bigot: Valeria. Her skill Exclusion deals twice its damage on Fighters, Musketeers, andScouts. Weird, as she is a Scout herself.
- Boring, but Practical: The builders (Jack, Diego, and Angie). Manually building their constructs is very monotonous, but you're building an entire fortress that kills mobs for you (the turrets), while protecting your still-squishy characters that you want to powerlevel (the fence), all the while buffing nearby allies, increasing their stats by a small amount (the wards). And finally, the rotating blades are some of the best tools in breaking colonies during the colony war.
- Sniper. The stance doesn't have any normal attack, only has two damaging skills, and involves waiting for cooldown refresh. But boy, the damage from this stance is enough to take down everything from mid-tier bosses and below in one hit.
- Bottomless Magazines
- Bribing Your Way to Victory: Inevitable, since it's an Allegedly Free Game. Although you can still walk through the entire game with minimal damage to your pockets, you still need to work hard in-game to obtain items a compulsive spender would easily get.
- Special mention goes to overpowered characters like Asoka or Ralph, or stances Punisher. These can cost you a fortune to get, and almost impossible for non-paying players.
- Butt Monkey: Taikbin. Everytime you see him, he's bound to get beaten up by someone. Even by little girls.
- Camp Gay: Andre Janzur, a fashion maven who manufactures all the costumes in the game.
- Doesn't help that he's based on the real life late fashion designer Andre Kim. Down to his obsession with anything white.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: You. It would probably take someone an entire chapter of a novel counting the times you drag yourself into "heroic" situations that end up you getting beaten to a pulp. Of course in side-quests, it's most likely for the Rule of Funny. In serious storyline quests however, it tends to be ugly.
- Cloning Blues: Grandies, aka the "Red-Haired Girl", Grandice's clone. Her questline has her struggling to find her own identity, as opposed to the Queen of Pioneer herself.
- Cool Big Sis: Daria and Beatrice, arguably.
- Catherine Torsche is this to Catherine the Doll, who she happily accepts as her sister.
- Coup de GrĂ¢ce: Advance Garde's Mortal Eternity skill. Slashes an opponent multiple times with the rapier, then shoots him once with a pistol. That single shot deals a lot more damage than any of the individual slashes.
- Combination Attack: You can overlap skills on a target for a sudden burst in damage, but skills that knock back cannot be overlapped with each other.
- Combined Energy Attack: Occult Magic's Abyss Flare, which combines the energy from all three basic elements. It doesn't help that it conjures images of Goku's Spirit Bomb.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Barrel. Yes, that spoiler tag is because of how much he becomes a badass at night.
- Damn You, Muscle Memory: Since skill hotkeys depend on which slot a character is on, it's easy to fumble with the keyboard when you get too used on one arrangement then suddenly switch to another.
- Dark Is Evil: Kurt, again. Vincent, vaguely.
- Dark Is Not Evil: This is why Vincent is vaguely evil.
- Death Is Cheap: There are a lot of ways to bring a dead character back to life. Average cost is 800 vis per dead character. Before Level 50, you can just wait for a few minutes, and said dead character will spring back to life.
- Defective Detective: Gertrude/Jean-Pierre. With anything that involves Emilia.
- Distressed Damsel: Valeria in her recruitment quest.
- Drunken Master: Barrel. His buff has him drinking wine for a boost in stats.
- Dual Wielding: Everywhere. You can dual wield swords, sabres, daggers, pistols, sword and pistol, javelins and daggers, rifle and pistol
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Ion, much to his chagrin. Marchetti and Friede, too. The latter was justified, he was Raised as the Opposite Gender.
- Dummied Out: The RNPC versions of Sir Lyndon (now only GMs can use him), Snowfield Rescue Knight (idea might have been incorporated into Natalie), and Selden (just an NPC now).
- Dynamic Entry: Most dash-type skills do this, causing enemies hit to be thrown back a distance, or sometimes make them go flying up into the sky.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Vincent.
- Emotionless Girl: Subverted. The whole point of Catherine's Expert Stance Acquirement quest line is that, despite being a doll, Catherine is in fact not emotionless. She can laugh, be happy, get sad, or even feel jealousy. She just has trouble expressing them as she isn't human.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Grandies' expert stances Soul Guard and Soul Bringer involves a lot of spinning attack combos.
- Dust Devil.
- Expy: A little girl who likes playing with fire with a magical teddy bear. Guess what other game has that.
- Beatrice is obviously Storm.
- Raven is an expy of Sanji. Both are in a service kind of job (Sanji's a chef, Raven's a butler), both employ a series of flaming kicks as their fighting style, heck, they even share the same voice actor in the Japanese version of the game.
- Angie is an expy of Winry. Selva is more of a Shout Out to the franchise, though.
- Friede is this universe's version of Bridget.
- Eyepatch of Power: Adelina and Grandice. Also, Bai Hu in his Narciso costume. For Adelina however, it was revealed that she wasn't blind in one eye at all.
- Fake Difficulty: It zig-zags. Before, trying to AFK train in dungeons is usually a bad idea, since waves upon waves of mobs will eventually overload your auto-attacking characters that they die. Nowadays, Meta Gamedictates that to be able to AFK, a team must keep up with the spawn, and this is fairly easier to attain now than before. However, when it comes to the high-tier raid bosses, Total Party Kill almost always happens instantly, except when the squad employs a certain strategy depending on the boss that makes it very easy to take down.
- Faking the Dead: Catherine, Dr. Torsche's daughter.
- Fantasy Counterpart Culture:
- The continent of Granado Espada is America, obviously.
- Bahamar Swamps points to Florida, which was once believed to be magical.
- Bahia/Gigante Island represents the Caribbean Islands/Hawaii.
- Errac/Zeia is either Maya, Inca, Aztec, or a mixture of all three.
- Castilla is based on Ancient Greece, complete with Spartans and holes.
- Viron/Byron is either Ireland or Newfoundland, depending on the description
- Orpesia, the Old World, is Europe
- Vespanola is the Spanish Empire. Even one of its cities is named Madrid.
- Bristia is England, with an obvious Prussian side (the current ruler is Czerny Kielce, obviously Polish)
- Illier is France, very touchy with their cuisine.
- Absinia is Northern Africa, obviously with M'Boma being Absinian.
- Targa is the Ottoman Empire, where sabres and firearms are the order of business.
- Esmero/Lealtad represents the Confederate States, while Souveran/Gleichstellung represents the Union.
- The continent of Granado Espada is America, obviously.
- Fantasy Gun Control: Averted
- Fate Worse than Death: Cortes, as he was Taken for Granite. It shows how much of a Magnificent BastardMontoro is, he even used him as a weapon, just like his fellow member of the Ten Nobles, Jurge
- Mercy Kill: As per story. You (as the protagonist of the story) kill Cortes as a raid boss, but in the story, you put him out of his misery.n.
- Featureless Protagonist: Yes you are using characters to interact with [NPCs], but during quest-related conversations, who in your family (besides the characters that are involved by default) is participating in the conversation? Tip: He's not in your active team.
- Fire, Ice, Lightning: The three main elements Warlocks can use. There is also a fourth element called Mental, mainly used by Wizards.
- Five Races: The holders of the Elements.
- Holy Water was held by Dilos Latemn, Al Quelt Moreza's high priest (High Man)
- Otite of Wind was held by Catherine Torsche, daughter of Dr. Torsche, and a brainwashed assassin (Mundane)
- Rhodolite of Fire is held by Mufasar, former tribe leader of Errac/Zeia, and father of Queen Hamann and Sierra (Stout)
- Stone Gas was held by the now-extinct Giants of Tierra Putrefacta, who were very advanced in magic (Fairy)
- Element of Heart is held by Sierra (formerly by Mufasar), the witch of Bahama, and sister of Queen Hamann (Cute)
- As of Eva Sharon's update, Water and Fire is currently held by your family, Earth and Wind by Montoro,but fate unknown after his death. Heart is still with it's current possessor, albeit in development.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Jack and his niece Angie, who can build turrets. Angie is also a Technical Pacifist in that she cannot equip actual weapons.
- Generation Xerox: Ion Felipe, who apparently looked exactly like his father in his youth. Invoked by Grandies, who mistook Ion to be his father, who, by Grandies' memories, was Grandice's lover at Grandies' mental age.
- Mary as well. Not only does Dr. Torsche comment that she just looks like her mother, Jane, but she also inherits all her traits down to her passion for cleaning and her fascination with shotguns. Bonus points for having said to be destined to follow in her mother's footsteps as being a maid for the Torsche family.
- Glass Cannon: Musketeer-class characters (like Bernelli), Elementalist-class characters (like Hellena).
- Global Currency - "Vis" and "Feso"
- Gotta Catch 'Em All: The RNPCs. New RNPCs are introduced every few version updates, current count is 76.
- Gratuitous French: Any stance that uses rapiers.
- Gratuitous Spanish
- Guns Akimbo: Starting off with Double Gun Shot. Then you upgrade to Outrage Shot complete with Gun Twirling. And then Unlimited Shot with Matrix-style skills.
- Lionel dual wields with a rifle on one hand and a pistol on another. A rifle on one hand.
- Guns Are Worthless: Totally averted. This game relies on More Dakka as primary DPS.
- Hand Blast: Employed by Warlocks on some of their spells.
- Healing Shiv: Socketing a weapon with any type of Pearl Rumin turns that weapon into one.
- Drain Attribute also has this effect on all characters. Wings and accessories which have the "HP Drain" status as well.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Garcia and Raven.
- Hot Mom: Adelina Esperanza
- Hot Blooded: The Coimbra Trooper and the male martial artists except Gertrude/Jean-Pierre
- Hot Librarian: Adriana
- Hot Witch: Sierra
- I Was Quite a Looker: Suggesting by his questline: Alejandro
- Grandice. More than confirmed.
- Ice Queen: Novia. Plus points that she's actually an ice queen.
- Impossibly Cool Weapon: Nar's exclusive weapon, the Crescent. It might have been the inspiration forRenekton's weapon.
- Now J.D. can wield this weapon, with one hand.
- Improbable Hairstyle: Gracielo and Dr. Torsche. You'd think they're poster boys for a medieval hair gel.
- Interface Screw: Gloomy Present from Wizard stance Darkness, as well as Claire and Jose's Starlight Flare. They literally obscure the player's view to only a small circle on the middle of your screen.
- Istanbul Not Constantinople
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Gracielo
- Jiggle Physics: Yeah, they pretty much made this game a little TOO realistic.
- Joke Character: Ramiro and Tiburon. They have sub-par Strength and Constitution for a fighter-class character. Also, they use weaker versions of weapons meant for their stances (Swords and Main-Gauches instead of Great Swords and Sabres, respectively).
- Lethal Joke Character: However, when built well, they can turn into this
- Lethal Joke Character: However, when built well, they can turn into this
- Knife Nut: Lisa, Catherine Torsche, and Heyran. They cannot use any weapon except Daggers.
- Kid Hero: Ramiro and Tiburon. As if to play up the cuteness, they use one-hand swords for two-hand swordstances.
- La RĂ©sistance: Violacea, led by Fritz, a former Ten Noble, and the Bristian Liberation Army, led by Kess Kielce, as well as your family, which is the major tie to these two factions.
- Lazy Backup
- Leaked Experience: Quests give "Experience Cards" instead of straight EXP gains. Justified, since you can have up to 99 characters but can only control up to 3 at a time.
- Also, introduced recently, the "Training Cards". They add to your active Stance EXP instead of the normal EXP.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: So far, there's around 100 named characters running around the continent of Granado Espada, around half of that are recruitable.
- Lightning Bruiser: The melee characters, inevitably. Much can be said that their only weakness are ranged characters. Then again, once they're built up, the only thing that can stop them are kiting Flintlock users.
- Lipstick Lesbian: Heyran. Main reason why Bernelli hates her is that she tries to keep on sticking to her,Kuroko-style.
- Love Hurts: Poor Garcia and Beroniff.
- Love Triangle: Eduardo, Selva, and Garcia. Used to, Garcia decides to give it up.
- Macross Missile Massacre: Photon Splash from the Levitation stance.
- Warlock's Absolute Zero is this on a single target.
- So is Hellena's Aqua Pierce.
- Ion's Frost Dust takes this to overkill levels. The number of ice projectiles he shoots is at least three times Absolute Zero's.
- Warlock's Absolute Zero is this on a single target.
- Magikarp Power: The stances are weak at lower levels, but are considerably stronger by the time they hit level 25. Some characters also, like the Warlock Trio (Ludin, Ion, and Beatrice) only have one stance before hitting Expert, and it's the weakest stance of their respective elements.
- Marionette Master: Catherine the Summoner
- Married to the Job: Ayende. This caused the downfall of his relationship with Beroniff.
- Mayincatec: Errac. Bonus points since Mufasar, formerly leader, is the holder of the Element of Fire, which symbolizes blood.
- Meaningful Name: The two parties Lealtad and Gleichstellung. Lealtad (Spanish for "loyalty") is for those who are loyal to the crown, while Gleichstellung (German for "freedom") are for those who seek freedom from Vespanola.
- Meganekko: Idge and Beroniff. The stock characters as well when they equip glasses.
- Meido: Mary
- Mighty Glacier: Most of the scrappers.
- More Dakka: Raid Bosses with insanely high HP? No worries, just bring a whole squad of Musketeers.
- Ms. Fanservice: Female Warlocks. Played for laughs here
- Mysterious Past: Nar.
- Neat Freak: Mary. Her recruitment quest pretty much involves cleaning up the entire Torsche mansion. In fact, she only joins you because she finds a spec of dust on Catherine, thinking that your family isn't cleaning the barracks very well.
- Never Bring A Gun To A Knife Fight: Invoked by game mechanic. Musketeer class characters are often weak to dagger attacks, which deals bonus damage to Light Armors, the kind of armor Musketeer uses. Although it's given that one cannot evade bullets as most dagger stance use evade as a defense mechanism, Lisa's expert stance allows her to evade bullets, which only makes her more deadly against Musketeers.
- One-Handed Zweihänder: J.D. wields Great Swords and giant-dwarfing Crescents single-handedly.
- One-Winged Angel: Montoro's final form, as a raid boss.
- Peek-A-Bangs: Garcia, Lisa, Nana.
- Period Piece: It definitely shows when a dedicated team puts effort on designing more than just your usual MMO. And it's not World of Warcraft either.
- Gorgeous Period Dress: If middle-age military gear and ballgowns on a renaissance setting doesn't give it away already.
- Perma Stubble: Raven's original appearance. Ralph, also.
- Pimped Out Dress: Several dresses are fancy, and loaded with lace and frills. The Christmas Mode even has plenty of Holiday Dresses and Sexy Santa Dresses.
- Pirate: Adelina Esperanza. Well, former.
- Puzzle Boss: Most high-tier bosses need a certain approach to defeat. Squads oftentimes employ weird character combinations and complicated strategies and positioning to defeat them.
- Quest for Identity: Eduardo/Edward and Grandies.
- Rainbow Pimp Gear: Played straight for the weapons, but averted for the armors and body costumes. For the latter, armors change one's appearance from the neck downwards, and upgrades don't affect appearances. Body costumes override this, with the game preferring the look of the equipped costume over the equipped armor. It does invoke You All Look Familiar, but with the sheer number of looks a single character can take, this is mostly averted.
- Random Drops: This is an MMORPG, what do you expect? Though there are different variations of this trope, such as:
- The infamous "pristine Gimlet Tail" quest from Panfilo. He asks for pristine tails, so it's justified that the drop rate for that is 2%. But he needs 5 of those. Good luck and have fun hunting.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: J.D. It even glows.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Inverted with sisters Natalie and Daria. Natalie, who has a blue-green/turquoise motif, is brash and short tempered in contrast to Daria, having a red/pink motif, who is more level headed and prefers to analyze a situation first. Justified that Natalie is just a rookie Rescue Knight trying to prove herself to her big sister, who is already an elite amongst the Rescue Knights.
- Redheaded Bully: Cherlyn.
- Revenge: A central theme. Everyone from the team buff group "Destiny's Chains," especially Selva and Garcia, has beef with Montoro. Enough beef to actually want to chase him for life and kill him.
- Tora's story, he wants revenge on Adelina for killing his father.
- Reverse Grip: What differentiates Esgrima from Arnis. Esgrima is the Reverse Grip version, by the way.
- Grandies wields her off-hand Main-Gauche this way in her stance Soul Bringer, as opposed to the way Main-Gauche Garde users wield.
- Robot Girl: Catherine (Depending on which type you chose, either STR, DEX, INT or Summoner) is a marionette created by Dr. Torsche in an attempt to "revive" his dead daughter. Turns out she is alive.
- Scenery Porn
- Shout Out: Numerous to Assassin's Creed:
- Calypso's hoods, either black or white. Justified, she is a mercenary-assassin.
- Tora's Assassin Costume Set. His fighting style doesn't help either.
- Not to mention the entire Memento Mori cult, with the exception of Dilos Latemn who dresses in a pontifical garb. Vincent's older brother dresses in a coat very similar to Al Mualim's.
- Spell My Name with an S: A lot, especially during translations to localized versions. Veatrice becomes Beatrice, Eduardo becomes Edward, Beroniff becomes Veronif, and so on.
- Spiritual Successor: Can be considered one to Ragnarok Online, story-wise. One can also draw parallels to locations, such as Granado Espada itself being Ragnarok's New World, Bristia to Schwartzvalt (heck, even the ruling family of Bristia is Kielce), and so on.
- Ragnarok's current main theme is exploration, Granado Espada's current main theme is going back home. Sunrise, then sunset.
- Standard Fantasy Setting: Averted
- Stationary Boss: Quite a few of the in-game raid bosses are stationary, like Argus Brain (not the one shooting lightning at you, the creepy brain and spine thing you need to kill).
- Also, Fritz, literally. He is the last you have to fight in a Boss Rush quest, but a Good Bad Bug may cause him to stop attacking you and just stand there until you defeat him. Sort of makes him an Anti-Climax Boss, sadly, given that he's a Badass to begin with.
- Stepford Smiler: Elisa.
- Stripperiffic: Female Scouts, Lisa, Reckless Emilia, Eva Sharon...
- Sword and Gun: The appropriately named Heaven or Hell stance.
- Rapier and Gun with Advance Garde.
- Adriana's stance Cutlass, which is an upgrade to Heaven or Hell.
- Tactical Rock-Paper-Scissors: Melee > Ranged (ranged characters can't deal much damage to melee characters), Ranged > Mages (ranged characters obliterates mages because of the latter's inherent squishiness), Mages > Melee (melee characters, particularly metal armor wearers, are penalized with increased damage from magical sources).
- Tarot Motifs: The Trump Series as well as the Arcana Series.
- The Atoner: Adelina, Yeganeh
- The Beautiful Elite
- The Clan: Your family works like this, except you can take in or "recruit" other people into your family.
- Big Screwed-Up Family: With that being said, you do recruit various people into your family, including a murderer, a chef, a fashion designer, someone with Chronic Backstabbing Disorder, a couple of guys with Royal Blood in them, an amnesiac, the former lover of that amnesiac, the brother of that amnesiac, an old lady, her daughter, her clone... and that's just the icing on the cake.
- Tangled Family Tree: The RNPCs are already given as "recruits," but how about the stock characters you make, where did they come from?
- Badass Family: Still, even with all that being said, in the end, they're still a bunch of adventuring guys killing ferocious beasts that roam around lands that are possibly untouched by people, and take on the Big Bad himself head-on while still looking classy.
- The Conspiracy: Stratavista. Also overlaps with Government Conspiracy as it is also the other name for the new Ten Nobles of Vespanola.
- The Thirty-Six Stratagems: Bristia is currently employing #5. With the Ten Nobles of Vespanola being reformed as a result of events leading to Montoro's death, Bristia takes action as Vespanola weakened by internal strife, and decides to open a trading route to Granado Espada. If this succeeds, Bristia will break free of Vespanola's chains, and they can opt to launch a counterattack to a further weakened Vespanola.
- The Von Trope Family: Lionel and Ludin von Hanen
- Token Mini-Moe: Claire, Viki, Ludin, and Kano. Ramiro and Tiburon doesn't count, as they're more qualified as Kid Hero.
- Tsundere: Claire. Complete with "I-it's not that I like you or something..." when she 'accidentally' places her character card on a present.
- SELVA, BIGTIME. ESPECIALLY TOWARDS GAVIN. One part of Gavin's recruitment quest has her tending to his wounds after being injured after their fight against Novia and Montoro. That was after Selva was plainly ignoring Gavin for most of the time. Then she returns to her tsun mode right after, leaving Gavin just before he wakes, without a trace.
- Even though she's obnoxiously rude to you in the beginning, Veronif switches from being tsun to dere during her recruitment quest line.
- Twenty Bear Asses: Some quests ask for X number of Y item (usually Organ Drops) from Z mob. If it's not this, it's a:
- Two Guys and a Girl: Garcia, Eduardo, and Selva. It's inverted, sorta. Selva is The Lancer to Garcia's Hero(can be interchanged, depending on which quest you are in), with The Chick amnesiac Eduardo rounding it up.
- Prior to Eduardo's amnesia, it was Eduardo The Hero, Garcia The Lancer, and Selva The Chick.
- Two Letter Name: J.D. Which apparently means Judgement Day.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Claude and Grandice. They may bicker all day long over who's the better hunter, but they will stick up for the other when he/she needs it. Such as raising and hiding Grandice's daughter Claire when she's in danger from Duke Felipe.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Irawan and Soho. Some costumes like the beachwear for male stock characters.
- Weapons Kitchen Sink: Weapons range from the usual sword and spear, to the Toy Hammer, to the Great Sword-dwarfing Crescent.
- Western Zodiac: The whole theme of Errac/Zeia.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Averted. The Element of Heart overpowers all the other 4 basic elements, so much so that even the antagonists kidnap a child who was revealed to possess this power.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Eduardo, Lionel, Ion.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Female Scout, Beroniff.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Friede. Bonus points that he was raised as a girl.
- Wooden Ships and Iron Men: Pretty much whenever you get in a ship. Plus points on the iron men when you actually get boarded by pirates.
- Wrench Wench: Idge, Claire, and Angie.
- You All Look Familiar: Justified. You, as the head of your family, is the protagonist of the story. Other families are only there since it's an MMORPG. Played straight if you have multiples of the same character in the barracks
- This is played for laughs due to the developers recycling models for young boys (Ramiro) and girls (Isabella). Insert Racebending sentiments here after they made Isabella's model (obviously Caucasian) as a younger Veatrice (obviously Black).
- Hence, everyone, except Tiburon and Viki, was Ramiro as a young boy, and everyone, except Ludin, was Isabella as young girl
- This is played for laughs due to the developers recycling models for young boys (Ramiro) and girls (Isabella). Insert Racebending sentiments here after they made Isabella's model (obviously Caucasian) as a younger Veatrice (obviously Black).